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Tips for twitter and Facebook

Do you have need of discover my best pratice on Facebook? Look that

Facebook is one of the world’s most popular social networks; messenger and instant messaging are among the most widely used. Thanks to facebook messenger, you can keep in touch with your (distant) friends, share photos, short movies and play games.

1. Facebook: clean up your news feed If you have a lot of friends on facebook, sometimes your wall may be full of news you don’t necessarily want to see (chat photos, for example!). That said, it’s not for if you’re going to delete that person from your friends list (unless you intend to). In this case, you will have to go to the wall of this person.

2. Engaging a Facebook clip there are different methods, but one of them is very simple and does not require you to download any software. When you come across a clip, click on the three dots at the top right. Make the url “show url”, which you copy and paste into your address bar. There, replace “www” by “m” to get the mobile version.

3. Launch the movie, right click on it, and you can “save the goal as”. That’s it, the movie downloads. You finally have this video of a cute kitten who falls while trying to jump on a cupboard. Awesome. Awesome.

4. Manage your notifications are you tired of receiving 200 notifications per minute? In the settings, you can choose the type of alert you want and be notified only by your interests.

Need visibility on Twitter, here are some tips for you

1 – add emojis from your computer : emojis can offer a space saving more than appreciable when subject to a limit of 140 characters. However, if using them from a mobile device is child’s play, accessing them from a computer can be more difficult than it seems.

2- focus on your strategy and think viral most brands dream of their tweets going viral organically, but these trends are difficult to predict. It is therefore not possible to base your twitter strategy on such eventualities.

3- let siri (or any other mobile assistant) publish your tweets if inspiration comes to you while walking, driving, or in a situation where getting off your phone is impossible, you can use your mobile assistant to send your tweets to whatever space you have without having to touch a single button.

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